
Yola Letellier : Socialite Spy?

  Well-known in 1920s-30s Paris, Yola was the confidante of Lord Mountbatten and the Hungarian vice-regent Istvan Horthy.     Was she passing on their information to the French secret service?                     Yola by Man Ray, around 1926   Yola Letellier (1904-1996), in adulthood celebrated as a quintessential Parisienne, spent her early childhood in the northern French commune of Jaulgonne. Her father Henri was a factory worker, while her mother Marie embroidered.              She was very close to her older sister Henriette; a brother, Xavier, arrived in 1909. Her parents each had four siblings, and she would recall winter sleigh rides to tell stories around the fire with her cousins.               This happy existence was brought to an end in 19...